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Hi there! I am Dr. Ludwig.

I am a German Youtuber and I create content about Germany, especially traditional songs, on several platforms.

This hub will provide you with information and news about any relevant activity on my channels, as well as projects of mine.



Background story

I grew up on the countryside in Bavaria, where the people still have a connection to tradition and the homeland. As a small child, I was already interested in the beautiful architecture of our churches and castles. I also liked some of the old songs we learned at school.

When I turned 14/ 15 years old, Youtube became a thing and, as I already had contact with some history-interested people on certain forums, I was looking for videos about German history. I then discovered Heino's cover of "Das Lied der Deutschen", as well as another song artist's cover of "Die Wacht am Rhein", and turned into a full patriot. In the following years, I researched everything about German history and was shocked that we haven't even learned about such important historical heroes such as Arminius.

I started uploading historical content on Youtube, as well as my own version of "Das Lied der Deutschen", "das Niedersachsenlied", and other songs, with my own pictures. Thus, I've already had experience as a historical song Youtuber since 2006/2007. Sadly, my job and private reasons made me stop making content on Youtube. for many years afterwards and I mostly stayed in the history and mapping scene.

However, on the 10th of December, 2016, I decided to make a new channel. I firstly uploaded tutorials for Photoshop and other programs, but I also planned to upload song videos. I then created countryball pictures for the songs "Heil dir im Siegerkranz", "Die Wacht am Rhein", and "Die Grenzwacht hielt im Osten". That must have been in the spring of 2017. When my playlist of German songs became incomplete, I finally decided to turn my channel into a real hub for all the songs I like.

Thus, after some preparations, I could finally upload my first real song video on the 13th of September, 2017: "Der Königgrätzer Marsch".

I never expected to get many subs, but they grew more and more numerous over time. People seemed to enjoy those historical German songs and I finally hit 100,000 subs on the 14th of July, 2019.

Sadly, Youtube went down a very bad path that year. They started striking down historical content as "hate speech", even harmelss songs about flowers and girls if they were used by soldiers, and so my main channel was deleted around the night of the 31st of July and early morning of the 1st of August, 2019.

I tried to sue Youtube and contact them on Twitter, but it took about 4 months until the main channel came back on the 10th of December, 2019. Meanwhile, I created several side channels with different song types so that I could both save at least some of the songs and have a way to contact my audience. I also started to actively upload on Bitchute and Internet archive and even Odysee, just in case Youtube terminates my channel/channels again in the future.

We will see what the future brings for us. I've met many fantastic song Youtubers and fans, many having become close friends. As long as there is still hope, I will continue my work and support others!


I also want to clearly state, that all of my work is purely artistic/ cultural and not political no matter what other people might interprete into it.

Dr. Ludwig

Some facts about me:


  • My favorite march is the Hohenfriedberger. I could listen to it every day and it would be never boring.

  • I am a cat person. We have always owned cats and I love them.

  • I watch anime. One of my favorite series is "Death Note".

  • I adore castles and love to visit them, even ruins.

Dr. Ludwig Ball Youtube Format NEUklein.


The DMKB (Deutscher Musikkanalbund = German music channel association) is a loose friendly association of Youtubers and their close helpers who love the traditional German song culture and like to exchange ideas about it. This alliance is non-political and merely an expression of cultural passion for the beauty of Germanness.


The cross is inspired by an iron cross version of the German Knights Order and represents the connection to our past. The spike on the bottom of the cross represents our stability (Standfestigkeit) against all the injustice that is done to us, especially by Youtube.

The fanfars represent of course the songs and music as a whole and the oak leaves are another typical German national symbol.

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